Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 26th, 2010 ~ Perspective

If you missed class on Tuesday, October 26th, please search the blog for other perspective articles AND read the information below:

During the Renaissance, perspective was being discovered by artists. M.C. Escher played with perspective in his artwork. Perspective plays an important part in creating "believable" artworks.

WRITE THE NOTES BELOW IN YOUR SKETCHBOOK (and get the sketches from a classmate)

How to create a 2 point perspective drawing:

1. Draw Horizon Line and pick two vanishing points.

2. Draw a vertical line that will become the corner of the closest building. Connect the lines at the top and bottom of the line to the vanishing points.

3. Add two more vertical lines to finish your first building. These lines should be parallel to your first vertical line.

4. Distance is tricky: Divide the bottom line in half, and then in half again, and then in half again. This will make it seem as if equal-sized buildings are next to each other.

5. Now draw other lines from your main vertical line to the vanishing points to create other buildings in distance.

6. Erase your guidelines, finish the basic shapes for your buildings.

7. How you complete your artwork is up to you! Add windows, building details, people, cars, trees, and anything else that will add detail to your perspective artwork!

You can choose any of the following mediums for your perspective artwork:

* Pencil
* Pen and Ink (sharpie)
* Colored Pencil
* Collage
* Acrylic Paint

Project Requirements:

* Must use one, two or three point perspective
* Must demonstrate knowledge of CORRECT perspective
* Add detail and color (or value if you are working in black and white)

REMEMBER: Draw lightly at first! This is important because when you are ready to erase the guide lines that are unnecessary you want them to erase easily. Dark pencil marks are difficult to erase.

Student Samples from:

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