Monday, February 7, 2011

Miz Art ~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Miz Art #4

The fourth, and last, Miz Art for third quarter is this:

View the paintings by Georgia O'Keeffe below. Using your art vocabulary, describe one of the paintings. You must type a minimum of THREE sentences and use at least FIVE vocabulary words, including, but not limited to:

warm colors
cool colors
complementary colors
negative space
positive space
brush stroke
line (and so on)

Be descriptive in HOW the painting illustrates the elements and principles. For example: "Georgia O'Keeffe's use of warm colors in the flower petals contrasts with the strong blues of the background."

Remember to save on the S Drive.

S:\Staff List\mburnell\Hand In\MIZ ART\Miz Art 4 - Georgia OKeeffe - Due March 4th (then your class period)

DUE: March 4th, 2011

Georgia O'Keeffe
Abstraction White Rose

Georgia O'Keeffe
Blue and Green Music

Georgia O'Keeffe
Canyon Country

Georgia O'Keeffe
Ram's Head

Georgia O'Keeffe
Red Hills with White Shell