Monday, January 2, 2012

Upper Level Art Students

Upper level art students must have their art proposal signed within one class day and logged in the red notebook. If the art proposal is not signed and logged within one day, then said student is assigned to a three page artist research paper. All art projects and art proposals are to be logged in the red notebook. Thank you.

New Extra Credit Policy

Extra credit: You may complete up to 10 points extra credit per assignment, but extra credit cannot replace an assignment. All extra credit must be done outside of class. Thank you.

Printmaking Project Requirements

Requirements for Linocut Project:

1. You MUST use the linocutter tools SAFELY!

Any student that is caught playing with, gesturing with, or using the linocutter inappropriately will IMMEDIATELY be taken off the project and required to create a bookmaking project.

Serious physical injury is a possibility when using linocutters. Be careful!


2. You must demonstrate knowledge of negative and positive space.

3. Include all the elements and principles we have learned about so far (refer to your rubric):
Value (and/or contrast)
2/3rds Rule or "fill the frame"
Line - pay attention to your line quality

4. Subject matter is up to you.

5. Craftsmanship and originality!

6. You will turn in at least ONE perfectly printed linocut print, complete with correct signature and edition (see handout).

DUE: January 20th, 2012

Computer Graphics: Propaganda

The article below explains the propaganda vocabulary and techniques we went over in class:

Propaganda vocabulary and techniques

Here are a couple of posters used during World War II. Which posters use which technique? How effective were they and how do you know? How was propaganda used by both the United States and Germany (Nazis)? What can individuals do to prevent being swayed by propaganda? Is there propaganda today? Where?


1. Your canvas must be at 16"x20"; 300 ppi

2. Pick one of the following subjects/ideas:
Cancer (any kind) focusing on prevention and diagnosis
Teen pregnancy (prevention of)
STDs (prevention of)
Social Issues (prejudice of any kind, etc.)
Smoking (prevention of, effects of)
Alcoholism (prevention of, effects of and/or diagnosis)
Drug Abuse (prevention of, effects of and/or diagnosis)
Random Acts of Kindness/Pass it On
Suicide Prevention

3. Background must be SOLID color. Your chosen color should be meaningful and/or attention-getting.

4. Text must be large and message clearly understandable.

5. One very large image that takes up 1/3rd to 2/3rds of the picture plane. Picture must be changed graphically by recreating it with paintbrushes or shapes/paintbucket.

6. Must contain at least ONE FACT (research based).

7. If you use an image that is not yours you must REMAKE it in PhotoShop.

8. DO YOUR MIZ ART FIRST!!! (under older posts)

DUE: January 12, 2012

Printmaking Tools

Veiner: A "V-shaped" cutting tool used to cut the linoleum during the lino-cut process.

Gouger: A "U-shaped" cutting tool.

IMPORTANT: These tools are very sharp and can harm you if not used properly. Be sure to use the correct techniques learned in class, as well as all safety precautions. Always cut away from yourself and never cut towards any body part.

Negative & Positive Space

Negative Space: Negative space, in art, is the space around and between the subject(s) of an image.

Positive Space: The shapes of objects. Actual shape or form of subject matter.

Below are examples of student work. You can see the positive space (the object) and negative space (white space around the object/objects).

Printmaking Vocabulary

1. Relief Printing - the original flat surface of a linoleum or wood block is the printing surface. Any parts of the design not to be printed are cut out. The surface is inked with a roller, then transferred to paper by direct pressure. Examples on this method are linocut, woodcut and wood engraving.

2. Intaglio Printing - This method is the opposite of relief printing. Done on metal or plexi-glass plates, the design is incised or etched into the surface. It is the applying heavy pressure to press the paper into the inked marks; the original surface level of the Intaglio plate represents the white in a black and white image. Examples of this method are dry-point, mezzotint and etching.

3. Stencil Printing - Screen-printing is basically a stenciling process. To create an image, parts of the mesh must be block so that they do not allow the ink through. Silk-screening is an example of this method.

4. Monoprinting - in method of printing that involves creating a unique impression by applying ink to a flat surface and transferring it to paper. Can be combined with other printing methods listed above.

5. Proofs - prints made at various stages during the creative process to act as guidelines for further stages to change, correct or improve the image.

6. Ink - a pigmented matter that prints an image.

7. Brayer - a small roller used to apply the ink to the plate.

8. Edition - A series of prints of the same image. An artist makes an edition of prints much as a book printer prints an edition of a book. In making art prints, all the prints are alike, but each is considered to be an original work of art. Each print in an edition is numbered and signed by the artist as it is completed.

For example: If you have ten prints in your addition the first print will be labeled 1/10, the second print will be labeled 2/10 and so on up to 10/10.

Sign your print like this (see below):
1/10 (number) “Peace” (title) Melanie Burnell (signature) November 3rd, 2010 (date)

3-D Street Art