Monday, January 11, 2016

Experimenting! Light Writing & More!

Hey guys!
As you know, I just love, love, LOVE photography! Over winter break, I took advantage of all of the great Christmas lights around Littleton to take some light writing pictures. My boyfriend was driving, so I set my camera on slow shutter speed (low ISO and small aperture) and took them while moving and/or spinning my camera. We're learning about light writing this week, so I thought photo I students would like to see:

My FAVORITE light writing image that I took is of my kiddo. With this photo I had her standing in the left side of the frame and I lit her up with a flashlight. Then I had her move forward and over and I repeated the process. Then I had her move again and repeated the process. This was all in one shot taking approximately 15 seconds:

The next image is one created by a CV student. She used a tripod to capture the light of moving cars. The tripod was necessary so that you can see Castle Rock clearly:

You may also know that I got my daughter an Instax camera for Christmas. We had fun learning how to create multiple exposures with the Instax. If you are interested in this, see me.

Alright, and for my very last photo, it has NOTHING to do with light writing! It's just about a really fun game. My nephews and my daughter and I have played it many times and we love it! If you haven't tried it, you should!

Art Contest

Alrighty, Folks! I've mentioned the art contest for the Counseling Office and hopefully you've submitted an entry. If not, now is the time! Here are our entries so far:

Monet! Renoir! Rodin! Degas! Oh my!

If you've ever wished that you could see impressionists working on their paintings, well, your wish has been granted! This footage is over 100 years old and shows legendary artists at work.
Check out the link.

Jellyfish Lake, Palau

Jellyfish Lake, Palau from mikeyk on Vimeo.

Nik Sharma's Food Photography

Hey kiddos! Many of you have expressed interest in food photography. Check this video out!