A music video featuring time lapse photography!
When I was a kid my mom would enlist my little brother and I in collecting and bagging pine cones from our property. She would then sell them to folks that wanted to make wreaths out of them. I never found the pine cones that appealing visually, and from a tactile standpoint I found them harsh and uninviting. Given that little tidbit from my past, watching this video featuring pine cones unfurling as a flower blooms, I found myself getting a little nostalgic. I could liken it to so many things, from the passage of time, to how you yourself will be blossoming, but I will let your mind do the wandering as you watch this beautiful piece.
Class blog for Melanie Rapp's students at Littleton High School. Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer. Littleton, Colorado