Thursday, March 8, 2012

Contemporary Ceramic Sculptor - Bill Abright

Bill Abright

Explore Bill Abright's website:

Bill Abright compliments of his website:

Bill Abright

Bill Abright
The Three P's Plague (Pestilence and Pollution)

Bill Abright
The Mariner

Bill Abright
Old Growth

Bill Abright
Bird Watcher

Throughout the year, we have been discussing concepts, as well as how to write an artist's statement. Enjoy viewing this amazing artist's artwork, and read his artist's statement as well.

Bill Abright's Artist's Statement:

"The twist of an individual’s imagination is one trait that accounts for our different perceptions of reality. As a child I would fall asleep seeing faces in the woodgrain wallpaper of my bedroom. Throughout my education artists who were unique in their approach to creating unusual and somewhat dark work inspired me. From the writings of Edger Allen Poe to early monster movies, I have always been interested in the things of Art and life that are mysterious and unusual. Heironymous Bosch’s and Giuseppi Archemboldo’s bizarre paintings, Leonardo Da Vinci’s grotesque faces and the bold expressions of Francisco Goya make it clear to me that “Art” does not have to be tame stuff. Later, I was attracted to the surrealists for their pulsing atmospheric landscapes and to Francis Bacon, for his gutsy emotionally twisted portraits. I became interested in psychology, the Rorschach inkblot test, caves, and Mauritz Escher’s reversals of space and form. For the last 32 years, I have been teaching Art and producing ceramic sculpture in an abstracted figurative style. I work with graphite on paper for the directness of process while I love working with clay for its skinlike plasticity and pyromanic produced permanence."

Bill Abright in his studio

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